if ($level == 0)
$startpath = "";
else if ($level == 1)
$startpath = "../";
else if ($level == 2)
$startpath = "../../";
else if ($level == 4)
$startpath = "../../../";
ADMI 2013
Virginia Beach, VA
April 11 - 13, 2013 Annual Symposium
Each year, the Association of Computer and Information Science/Engineering Departments at Minority Institutions (ADMI) hosts a symposium devoted to computing issues relevant to minority students, education and institutions. The 2013 Symposium will highlight undergraduate and graduate research with particular interest on innovations in the computing field.
An important facet of the symposium is the opportunity to explore collaborations between major research institutions, industry and minority institutions. Faculty and students present research papers, discuss poster presentations, and explore graduate school options. |
The Association of Computer/Information Sciences and Engineering Departments at Minority Institutions (ADMI) was founded in August 1989. It was established as a national organization dedicated to exploring and providing remedies to the educational issues in computer/information science and computer engineering that confront minority institutions of higher education. |
Copyright © 2013 ADMI